Saturday 4-11-20
5 Rounds of…
“Beach Prep” (BB, KB, or DB)
10 Chest Press (bench or floor)
10 Glute Bridges
10 Gorilla Rows / Arm
10 Skull Crushers
10 Bi-Lateral Bicep Curls
“Whips & Hips”
30 Double Unders
20 KBS
10 Dips (ring, box, bench)
Part A. in todays workout is a bit of a body builder for session following the high rep weokout we hit yeaterday in the holiday workout. It should take us in and around 30 min for part A. to find the right modifications and go through all the rounds of this workout.
Part. B. is a quick little burner that you should only be breaking on the dips if needed.
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