Saturday 5-30-20
Gym News: Well everyone, it looks like the lockdown is coming to an end and we couldn’t be more than happier to see some light at the end of the tunnel. We know that there is a lot of work ahead of us but it will be worth it and we hope you’re up for the challenge of it as well.
It’s been awesome seeing members coming in dropping off equipment and being pumped about training again. We are doing all we can to create a fun and safe experience for everyone and we’re looking forward to having everyone back. We’ve made some changes to the Zoom schedule during the week and we’re going to try running it alonside the regular classes for the 9:30am and noon class to help maintain the same schedule and so that everyone still feels like part of a class. We’ll want honest feedback on how it’s working and look forward to helping as many of our members stay as fit and healthy as possible during this time.
Please let us know if you have any questions and we’re happy to help.
Enjoy one las official Starke HomeFit workout and lets hope you don’t do what the name of the workout is… 🙂
For Time
“Face Plant”
10 Devils Press
20 Burpee box overs
30 T2B / HLR / Dragon Flags
40 Alt Back Lunges
50 Alternating DB Snatch
40 Alt Back Lunges
30 T2B / HLR / Dragon Flags
20 Burpee box overs
10 Devils Press
*After each exercise completed perform 30 Double Unders or 60 single skips before going to the next exercise.