Saturday 6-04-22 Workout Of The Day

Saturday 6-04-22 Workout Of The Day

Happy Saturday Y’all

In Teams Of Two (share the load)

For Time
“My Pet Monster”
1 Mile Run
100 BB Thrusters
125 Pull Ups
150 Alternating BB Back Rack Lunges
200 Bar Over Burpees

RX: 65/95#
Intermediate: 55/75#
Beginner: 45/55#

Today’s workout will be. A “you go I go” type workout EXCEPT for the run. The 1 mile run will be to the driveway of the Sunova Community centre and can be done with your partner. If you chose to finish faster than your partner you’re welcome to come back in and start on the thrusters 🙂

Modify your movements and weights as necessary. Keep in mind that you’re only doing half the number of reps posted above 😉

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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