Saturday 6-12-21 Starke HomeFit

In todays workout we are honouring 215 children who were taken from their parents, their families and their homes. Some to return with horrible lifelong memories and some who never returned. This is something that has been on my mind since first hearing about it weeks ago and I still can’t believe how unbelievable it is and how it could have happened. I had never learned about this in elementary, high school or university. The thought of having local authorities come and tear children from their families is unthinkable. I’ve though every day since how I would feel and would live the rest of my life if my daughter was taken from me and the thoughts are soul crushing.

Keep the children of Kamloops Residential School and their families in your thoughts while you tackle this workout and thank you @kipperforty9 for writing this tribute WOD

Repost from @crossfitcanada

This WOD was created by @kipperforty9 from the Mi’kmaq First Nation.

This WOD is a way to honour & show respect to the 215 innocent children found buried in an unmarked burial site at the Kamloops Residential School in BC.

The Last Canadian Residential School closed it’s doors in 1996

Orange is the color we use to honour all victims/survivors of Residential schools.

The CrossFit community will be doing this WOD tomorrow and will be wearing Orange.

Ce WOD a été crér par @kipperforty9 de la Première Nation Mi’kmaq.

Ce WOD est un moyen d’honorer et de montrer du respect aux 215 enfants innocents retrouvés enterrés dans un lieu de sépulture non marqué au pensionnant Kamloops en Colombie-Britannique.

Le dernier pensionnant canadien a fermé ses portes en 1996.

L’orange est la couleur que nous utilisons pour honorer toutes les victimes/survivants des pensionnats indiens.

La communauté CrossFit fera ce WOD demain et portera Orange.

#crossfitcommunity #crossfitcanada #residentialschools

Kamloops Residential School Memorial Workout
for 215 Innocent Children

Cash In 215 DU’s

21 Handstand Push Ups
5 Clean & Jerks @ 95/135#
21 Burpees
5 Clean & Jerks
21 Box Jumps 20/24″
5 Clean & Jerks
21 Kettlebell Swings 35/50#
5 Clean & Jerks
21 Lunges
5 Clean & Jerks
21 Pull Ups
5 Clean & Jerks
21 Medball Squat Cleans 14/20#
5 Clean & Jerks
21 Toes To Bar
5 Clean & Jerks

Cash Out 1996m Row or Run
*Wear Orange