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Saturday 6-16-18 Workout Of The Day “Meet The Fathers”

Saturday 6-16-18 Workout Of The Day “Meet The Fathers”

Make sure to bring dad down for a partner workout tomorrow morning (or dad’s you can bring your kids) at 8:30am, 9:30am or 12:00pm The workout can be scaled accordingly for all participants.

For all you do, this one’s for you!

20 Min Partner AMRAP

“Meet The Fathers”

1000m Row

50 Wall Balls 20/30#

40 Ring Rows

30 Box Jumps or Step Ups

20 Push Ups

100′ Farmer Carry per person (heavy)



Back Squat 3 x 3 @ 92%

SGPP + OHS 3 SGPP + 3 OHS (for this exercise build to a heavy three snatch grip push press and follow it up with three overhead squats for a total of three sets). Don’t start till it gets heavy!!!

Power Clean 3 x 2 @ 85%, 3 x 1 @ 87%

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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