Saturday 8-24-24 Workout Of The Day
In teams of two…
With a running clock
“Time Crunch”
Buy In 1 Mile Run (cap 15)
15:00-20:00 Max Power Cleans @ 125/185#
20:00-22:00 Rest
22:00-27:00 Max Deadlifts @ 155/225#
27:00-29:00 Rest
29:00-34:00 Max Bench / Floor Press @ 95/135#
Today’s workout is a little run with some heavy lifting. Pick something “heavy” for the cleans where you might be able to do some touch and go but you’ll probably go singles very quickly alternating with your partner. Deadlift weight should be 3-5 unbroken reps and your bench press should be 5-8 unbroken reps.
Count your max reps between you and your partner for each segment. If your run takes you 10 minutes, you’ll have five minutes to rest and get ready for your cleans. If your run takes you 15 minutes, NO REST FOR YOU, TIME TO CLEAN!!!
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