Saturday 9-03-22 Workout Of the Day
In Teams Of Two AMRAP – 35
“Sunshine N’ Rainbows”
1 Mile Run
Then AMRAP with the remaining time…
20 BB Snatches
25 TTB
30 Front Squats
35 S2OH
40 Alt Back Rack Lunges
45 Push Ups
50 Floor Wipers (L+R = 1rep 🙂
RX: 65/95#
Intermediate: 55/75#
Beginner: 35/45#
Use it while we can. We’ve got some nice weather so lets keep playing outside for a bit! In today’s partner workout the weights aren’t too heavy so we should be able to keep moving and trading off as needed. Stay consistent and remember if you start slowing down, let your partner take over. This will help to stay fresh and keep moving.
Have fun!