Saturday 9-07-24 Workout Of The Day
“Runner’s Delight”
With a running clock…
Buy In: 1 Mile OR 3k Run
With the remaining time AMRAP the following
3 S2OH
6 Front Squats
9 Hang Power Cleans
12 Deadlifts
Cash out: 1 Mile OR 3k Run
0:00 – 25:00: 1st Run + AMRAP whatever time is left up to 25:00.
25:00 onward: Second 1 mile OR 3k run
Barbell Weights
RX: 85/115#
Int: 65/95#
Beg: 55/75#
Today’s workout is A LOT of running if you choose to OR a little less running and A LOT more barbell. The 3k loop is the same loop from a couple weeks ago around the church clockwise on the way out to the one mile mark and counter clockwise on the way back. Stay on the sidewalk both ways and as staying further away will add distance.
Choose a barbell weight you can hit unbroken reps with for the workout under fatigue. Whatever distance you choose for the first run, hit it on the second run as well. A machine of equivalent converted distance be used if you’re unable to run.
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