Saturday 9-10-22 Workout Of The Day
GYM NEWS: Happy Birthday coach Nick! Nick started with us over six years ago shortly after he got out of diapers and learned how to walk. Since then he’s been lifting every weight in his path and moving like a boss while doing it. We’re lucky to have such a great young man as part of the Starke team and our community. KEEP IT UP NICK!
In teams of two…
AMRAP – 30
19 Snatches
19 Kcal ECHO
19 Back Squat Jumps
19 Kcal Ski
19 C2B Pull Ups
19 Kcal Row
19 Hang Squat Cleans
19 Kcal C2
*E5M 19 T2B (5, 10, 15, 20 & 25)
2003m Row for time at the 30 min mark
RX: 85/115#
Intermediate: 65/95#
Beginner: 55/75#
Today’s workout is a you go, I go type workout. One person working at a time while the other watches in amazement. Modify weights and movements as needed but don’t forget to enjoy yourself as well 🙂