To all of our amazing Starke members,
This has been a crazy ten weeks but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Today our Premiere Brian Pallister announced that gyms would be able to open as of June 1st 2020.
We are excited and of course cautious, and we really appreciate your input and thoughts on reopening our gym.
Please read this whole email/document, before responding with any questions or concerns you might have.
We had some great suggestions by members who responded to the survey that was sent out early in May and have been working towards completing those tasks and should have them all completed before Monday the 1st.
How are we going to reopen?
We understand that people are all over the map about coming to they gym, staying home, hitting Zoom workouts or just following along on the blog with workouts. We are here to help you feel great, achieve your goals, and be the healthiest version of you no matter where you decide to train! We want you to feel safe and comfortable working out whether it is in the gym, at home or wherever you may be working out. So if you are staying home, we are going to support you. If you want to workout safely in the gym, we are also here to support you.
In the gym we will start to re-open on Monday June 1st with limited classes. We will not be going back into a full schedule right off the bat. We will be adding classes in if we see that certain classes are filling up and a wait list is going.
Phase One Class Schedule Will be as follows…
In Gym Class Schedule:
Monday – Friday
6:00am, 9:30am, 12:15pm (30 min LunchFit), 4:00pm, 5:30pm
8:00am, 9:30am
All classes will be one hour in length EXCEPT for the LunchFit classes.
Zoom Class Schedule
Monday – Friday
If you haven’t already, please use this survey to let us know what class you’d likely be attending
*We will be re-assessing classes and days based on attendance constantly so more classes may be added if we see classes are filling up and people are on a waiting list.
Signing Up For Classes
- All Classes will be limited to 12 participants
- Participants MUST be signed up in Zen Planner for class. Please DO NOT show up for class assuming there will be space. We need to know what numbers look like so we can schedule classes accordingly.
- IF the class you want to attend is full please register on the waiting-list as that will give us an idea of when and where to open up more time slots.
- There will not be a sign-in iPad for members. Coaches will check in all participants for class as they arrive and temperatures are taken.
- Participants will be able to sign up for classes anywhere from one hour to one week in advance.
- Participants will be able to cancel their registration up to six hours before the class they are registered for.
- With limited class sizes, participants who are registered for class and no-show will be charged a $15 fee
Safety Measures:
- All members must read and agree to being free of symptoms of the COVID-19 virus questionnaire posted outside of the building before entering and participating in class.
- We will take everyone’s temperature upon entering the gym. Less than 100.4 / 38c is the magic number that will allow you to train.
- We ask that all class participants bring indoor shoes for training NOT the same shoes you’ve been wearing out in public places. There will be a spray bottle with a water and bleach solution that the base of your shoes can be sprayed with before class. Shoes MUST be taken with you when you leave.
- Classes will be 60 minutes in length. Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes early or stay longer than 15 minutes after class inside the gym. Hanging out on the front lawn and catching up are definitely welcome.
- You MUST sign up for class in Zen Planner to reserve a spot. There will be no more than 12 students allowed in each class. Each person will be assigned an 8’ “training square.
- If you have cold or allergy symptoms, are coughing or not feeling well please do not come to class.
- Everyone who enters the gym MUST wash his or her hands upon entry and prior to leaving.
- Please bring your own water bottle (or two) already filled as the water fountain will be turned off to avoid close contact touch points
- Workouts will be programmed to avoid sharing equipment and pull up stations
- Maintaining a centered position in your 8’ “training square” will allow more than 6’ of space between you and other members.
- Please check out the blog for the workout of the day that you’ll be participating in so you have an idea of what we’ll be doing. Members will take part in “whiteboard briefings” in their training square.
- Please bring a sweat towel to class especially on hotter days.
- A basket and spray bottle with cleaner / disinfectant clean rags will be provided for each training square. Members are asked to wipe down EVERY piece of equipment they use.
- Back to back classes will have thirty-minutes in between to allow for additional cleaning / sanitization. We will clean during the extended breaks in the schedule.
- Personal chalk supplies may be used in classes. We will have small rubber maids with a fresh block of chalk for purchase if you choose to use. Your name will be put on the container and you must take it with you when you leave.
- When you come in the building be ready to workout if possible to limit people in the change rooms. If you need to change, you are more than welcome to but please be conscious of others in the change rooms and allow for appropriate social distancing.
- Showers will be accessible after classes but please limit the number of people in each stall to one person at a time.
- Masks are not mandatory but may be used if you choose to wear one.
- If you have been exposed to CoVid-19 we ask that you please quarantine at home for 14 days and not put your gym family and others at risk.
What Do I Do When I Come In?
- Make sure you are negative for any symptoms on the COVID-19 screening checklist located outside the gym.
- Come on in and wash your hands. Please don’t hang out in the vestibule or front lobby.
- Get your temperature taken by the coach on deck in the front lobby. Infrared, mouth, armpit or rectal are all suitable forms of measurement (athletes choice).
- Enter the main gym area and put on your indoor shoes / spray the bottoms with water/bleach solution.
- Choose your training square and place your chalk, water bottle & towel in your chosen square.
- Hang out, mobilize, stretch and catch up with friends. It’s been a while…
- When class is finished please wipe down ALL equipment you’ve used and touched and put it back in its appropriate place.
- Change or shower while maintaining social distancing practices.
- Make sure you have ALL of your belongings when you leave. Please do not leave any clothing, shoes or training gear in the gym.
- Enjoy the rest of your day and know that you did something great for your mind and body.
What About Equipment Rentals?
We will need some time to clean, sanitize and organize equipment. For individuals who rented equipment the following drop off times are available.
Thursday May 28th 8:30am – 10:30am & 1:30pm – 5:30pm
Friday May 29th 8:30am – 5:30pm
Saturday May 30th 9:00am – 12:00pm
What if I am staying home?
- You can continue doing zoom workouts, stick with personalized programming using TrueCoach, or some combination you work out with your coach.
- We will continue the zoom workouts at 8am Monday through Friday.
- For individuals wanting to get back in the gym but aren’t comfortable in a group setting, personal training and skill sessions are available with various coaches to help you reach your training goals. These sessions can be planned outside of class times or in the Mezzanine during class times.
What about kids?
- Unfortunately we will not be allowing children to hang out upstairs like in the past. If you wish to bring your kids to class we are looking at some options for a picnic bench that kids can use just outside the gym on nice days and connect to WIFI if you choose to bring them.
Self-Assessment Screening Tool
This questionnaire will be found outside the building and members should self assess before entering the building before each class.
- Do you have any of the following symptoms: severe difficulty breathing (e.g., struggling for each breath, speaking in single words), chest pain, confusion, extreme drowsiness or loss of consciousness?
- Do you have shortness of breath at rest or difficulty breathing when lying down?
- Do you have a new onset of any of the following symptoms: fever/chills, cough, sore throat/hoarse voice, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, vomiting, or diarrhea for more than 24 hours and if the patient is an infant, poor feeding and lethargy?
- Do you have a new onset of 2 or more of any of the following symptoms: runny nose, muscle aches, fatigue, conjunctivitis (pink eye), headache, skin rash of unknown cause or nausea or loss of appetite?
- Have you been in contact in the last 14 days with someone that is confirmed to have COVID-19?
- Have you had laboratory exposure while working directly with specimens known to contain COVID-19?
- Have you been in a setting in the last 14 days that has been identified by public health as a risk for acquiring COVID-19, such as on a flight, in a workplace with a cluster of cases, or at an event?
- Have you travelled outside of Manitoba in the last 14 days?
We know this is a lot to take in but we want to make sure everyone is safe and healthy during this unusual time. If we all put into practice safe consistent habits we’ll create a great experience for everyone.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns by emailing and we’re happy to help.
We look forward to seeing all of you very soon and look forward to the continued momentum of the Starke Gain Train.
Stay Safe and stay strong.
The Starke Team.