Starke Sweat Monday July 29th – Friday July 26th 2024

Starke Sweat Monday July 29th – Friday July 26th 2024

Monday 7-29-24

E4M – 6 (24 min)
150m Run
10 Dbl. DB / KB C&J
10 Dbl. DB / KB Front Squats
ECHO bike for Kcal with the remaining time

Core work. Coaches choice.

Part A. is a non stop movement type workout. Pace yourself to keep moving for the full 24 minutes. If you start out too hot, it’s going to be a looooong workout 🙂 The cals on the ECHO bike are NOT for max kcal.

Tuesday 7-30-24

E75 – 14 (17.5 min)
Odd: 4-6 Bench Press
Even: 8-10 Dbl. DB/KB Reverse lunges

AMRAP – 12
12 Wall Balls 14/20# 9/10’
8/10 Kcal Ski
8 Push Ups

Part A. Is a little strength work. Go heavier than normal on the bench press and choose some challenging weights for the reverse lunges.

Part B. Is a 12 minute AMRAP. Today’s workouts has some interference with all the arms and shoulders being used. Choose challenging methods that will allow you to keep moving and NOT fail any reps on the push-ups. Break up your push ups as needed and don’t go back to your wall balls until you know you can do an unbroken set.

Wednesday 7-31-24

In Teams Of Two…
100 Kcal Row
90 KBS
80 Kcal Row
70 Alt. DB Snatches
60 Kcal Row
50 Box Jump Overs
40 Kcal Row
30 Ring, Box or Bench Dips
20 Kcal Row
10 Burpee Pull Ups

Chip away at the above workout in teams of two and split the workout with only one person at a time. Work does not need to be shared exactly 50/50 in a partner workout. The goal is to get to the set number of repetitions cumulatively.

Thursday 8-01-24

EMOM – 15
1. 6-8 Strict Pull Ups
2. 6-8 Dbl KB or DB Front Squats
3. 6-8 Dbl. KB or DB Strict Press

AMRAP – 15 
2 Empty sled sprints
8/10 Kcal Echo
6 Burpees
80’ Loaded Carry

Part A. is a little strength work on a one minute clock. Choose challenging weights that will allow you some transition and recovery time.

Part B. is a fifteen minute AMRAP. Pick weights and methods that will allow you to keep moving and moving QUICKLY!!! 

Friday 8-02-24

3 Rounds of…
4:00 Work 2:00 Rest
10/12 Kcal Row
8 T2B / HLR / Sit Ups
6 Devils Press

Rest Four Minutes

3 Rounds of…
4:00 Work 2:00 Rest
10/12 Kcal Ski
8 Dbl. DB Box Step Over
6 Dbl. DB Clusters 

Today’s workout is four minutes of work and one minute of rest. Choose weights you can keep moving with and pick up where you left off after each round of rest. 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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