Starke Sweat Monday June 10th – Friday June 14th 2024
Monday 6-10-24
E3M – 5 (15 min)
6 BB Bench Press & 6-8 Dbl. DB/KB Squats
AMRAP – 12
10 Alt DB Snatches
8/10 Kcal ECHO
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Part A. Kicks off with a little strength work on a three minute clock, Pick weights that will challenge you appropriately for your bench press and allow you to get into your squats within 30 seconds. You should get a minimum of one minute rest before going into the next round.
Part B is a 12 minute AMRAP that should keep you moving. Pace yourself accordingly to allow consistent movement and pick up the pace in that last 90 seconds.
Tuesday 6-11-24
(Cap 23)
Pull Ups
Alternating DB Back Lunges
In teams of two.
12 Min Cap
150 Wall Balls
Max Kcal Ski with remaining time
Part A. is a little strength work with pull ups and lunges in a descending ladder. Pick methods you can perform in two sets (on the bigger sets 7-10) and lunges should be unbroken.
Part B. Is with a partner. Push the pace on your wall balls and bang out as many calories on the ski ERG in the remaining time.
Wednesday 6-12-24
In teams of two…
“Fundo Hundo” (Cap 36)
100 Kcal ECHO
100 Push Ups
100 Kcal Row
100 KBS 35/50#
100 Kcal C2
100 Box Jump Overs
100 Kcal Ski
In teams of two, chip away at the above workout. Use movements and methods you’ll be able hit 10~ reps with as you trade off with your partner.
Have fun!
Thursday 6-13-24
E75 – 15 (18.75 min)
10 Ring Rows
8-10 DB Box Step Overs
10 Dbl DB/KB Thrusters
“Upstream” (13 min)
3 Rounds x AMRAP 3:
12 Toes to Bar / HLR / Anchored sit ups
12 Burpees Over Rower
Max Calorie Row with remaining time
*Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds
Part A. Is a little strength work with a little elevated heart rate. Go heavier and scale reps if needed.
Part B. is a spin off the group S&C workout of the day. It’s a little shorter but that doesn’t mean it will be easier 🙂 Push the pace and enjoy the ride!!!
Friday 6-14-24
Circuit 25
10 Dbl. KB Deadlifts + Loaded carry (garage door to echo bikes and back)
10 Dbl. DB Push Press
1:00 Plank with alt. Shoulder taps
10 KBS (heavy)
10 Ring Rows
1:00 Plank with alt. knee taps
In teams of two…
Max Kcal Ski in 8 minutes
Part A. is a little grinder that should be heavy and keep you moving. Choose appropriate weights to allow for consistent movement and not too much rest between movements. Make sure to maintain a rock solid core while doing the shoulder and knee taps.
Part B. is a Ski session with your teammate. Push the pace and make your transitions quick. If there’s a workout to sprint, this is it. Transitions every 30-60 seconds are ideal depending on the pace you keep 🙂