Sunday 02-04-24 Workout Of The Day

Sunday 02-04-24 Workout Of The Day

EMOM – 30 (5 rounds)
1. 6 Heavy dbl. KB Thrusters
2. 6-8 Strict pull ups
3. 6-8 Ring dips / dips
4. 12 Alt Gorilla rows
5. 1 Sled push
6. Rest

Today’s EMOM should be a little heavy and a bit of a grind. PIck weights and methods that are harder and heavier than you’d normally use in regular workouts. Slower days like this are for building strength and challenging yourself with methods that you might normally gravitate to.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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