Sunday 03-24-19 Workout Of the Day
6 rounds for max reps: (36 minutes total)
0:00-1:00: 10-12 burpees + max box jumps @20/24″
1:00-2:00 REST
2:00-3:00 10 DB snatch @35/50# + max wallballs @14/20#
3:00-4:00 REST
4:00-5:00: 6-8 cal row + max hang power cleans @65/95#
5:00-6:00 REST
This workout will be one minute of work followed by one minute of rest for 36 minutes, meaning half of that time will be active work. Athletes complete 10-12 burpees and go immediately into box jumps until the one minute mark. Then athletes rest 1 minute. The same format follows for DB snatches + wallballs and rowing + hang cleans.
Written reps should take approximately 30 seconds (pick an appropriate number of reps that allows for this), giving approximately the same time for the max reps. Transitions must be very quick and efficient. Equipment should be set up in a way that allows for said fast transitions (i.e. burpees done directly in front of box, etc.) No strapping in on rowers. Work to rest ratio is 1:1 and you are only working for one minute at at time therefore intensity should be very high. Aim for consistency in reps each round.
Have fun!
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