Sunday 06/11/2023 Workout Of the Day

Sunday 06/11/2023 Workout Of the Day

A. 8-10 min skill work

B. EMOM x 30 mins (5 rounds)
1: 1-3 wall walks
2: 5/leg deficit lunges
3: 5 strict chinups @31×1
4: 5/leg single leg DL
5: 150m sandbag run
6: rest

Workout Notes: Part A will be spent working on handstands. This can be wall walks, kicking up against the wall, free standing, walking, etc. Coach will go over variations for skill work.

Part B is a 30 minute EMOM. You will do 1-3 wallwalks in the first minute- choose a rep number and stick to it for all 5 rounds. Deficit lunges and single leg deadlifts can be weighted with DB’s or KB’s. For the fifth minute, use a sandbag or carry a plate on the run. You get the next minute as rest so it should be a hard run!

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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