Sunday 10-02-22 Workout Of The Day
“Burn Out”
3 rounds through…
1. Max unbroken strict pull ups directly into max strict banded pull ups
2. Max DB chest press (Aim for a 10 rep weight) directly into push ups on the ground directly into push ups with hands on bench
3. Max T2B / HLR directly into max medial sit-ups
4. Max double KB strict press directly into a lower weight and repeat until failure…. Weights can go down by 5 or 10 lbs / drop set.
Pick movements and weights that are challenging and perform “drop sets” by modifying the movement or weight as recommended above. Take adequate rest before going into the next exercise. The goal is to go to failure on these exercises even when you lower the weight or tweak the movement, something that would usually be “easier” should feel a hell of a lot harder. Most times we would say “don’t burn out” but today, we want you to 🙂
B. Core work coaches choice.