Sunday 10-24-2021 Workout Of the Day
A. 0:45 work / 0:45 rest x 4 rounds (18 min)
1: DB hang snatch, alt.
2: wallsit
3: alt. gorilla rows
B. AMRAP x 15 mins
20 air squats
15 ring rows
10/side single arm KB push press
Workout Notes/Intentions: Choose your own weights for part A. You want to be able to move for the majority of the 45 seconds without resting. You get 1:1 work to rest so you will have recovery time. Add weight to the wallsit if possible.
For the AMRAP, try to move steady for the full 15 minutes. Don’t go super heavy on the push press. Try to be consistent and maintain your pace for most of the AMRAP. Save something for the final few minutes so you can push it.