Sunday 12-17-23 Workout Of The Day

Sunday 12-17-23 Workout Of The Day

E90 – 16
1. 8-10 DB Chest Press + Push-ups till failure
2. 8-10 Dbl. KB front squats + 10 max height DB Squat Jumps
3. Max strict pull ups into max banded pull ups OR Max into max bent over rows ring rows
2 x Sled sprints

3 Rounds NFT of…
10 OH walking lunges
8 Dragon Flags
6 Pegboard chin ups

Today’s workout is a little strength workout and going till failure in part A. Find challenging methods and feel the burn…

Prat B is a little strength and core finisher. Pick your weights and get some dates!

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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