Sunday 12-24-23 Workout Of The Day
In teams of three…
One working, one active hold, one resting.
“Ho, Ho, Hold My Milk”
100 Kcal ECHO buy in (no holds)
100 OH KBS – Plank (forearms)
100 Goblet or front squats (85/115#) – Handstand hold or pike or dbl. OH hold
100 Box Jump Overs – Hollow hold
100 Hang power cleans – Hollow hold (rings)
100 Pull Ups – Plank w. Shoulder and knee taps
100 Alternating lunges hollow hold with DB’s / KB’s
100 Kcal Ski cash out (no holds)
Today’s holiday workout is a team of three workout, one working, one active hold and one resting. Pick weights and methods you can hit sets of ten with. Make sure the person holding is in position and holding BEFORE you begin your reps.
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