Sunday 2-12-23 Workout Of The Day

Sunday 2-12-23 Workout Of The Day

E90 – 20 (30 min) 4 Rounds
1. 6-8 Chin Ups / Peg Board Chin Ups @ 31×1 Tempo
2. 6 Dbl. KB Front Squats @ 31×1 Tempo
3. 8-10 Ring, Box or Bench Dips
4. 2 x Sled Push
5. 8-10 DB Renegade Rows w. Push-Up*

*Renegade row: Push up + row right is one rep, pushup + row left is your second rep…

Today’s grinder is on a 90 second clock. Choose weights that will challenge you and allow you to recover adequately before the next exercise is up. Trade up weights or maintain throughout if needed. Find a partner to share your gear as you’ll have a lot of DB’s and KB’s out for this one 🙂

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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