Sunday 2-18-24 Workout Of The Day

Sunday 2-18-24 Workout Of The Day

EMOM – 24 (4 rounds through)
1. 10 DB Chest Press
2. 6 Split stance DL / leg 
3. 8 DB/KB Push press
4. 8-10 DB Squat jumps
5. 8/10 Kcal ECHO
6. Rest

Today’s workout is a little strength EMOM with some ECHO bike worked in to complete each round. Choose appropriate working weights for each exercise and keep in mind or that it’s only one minute for your work and transition to the next exercise. Having the minute cap will limit your weight as there’s a little less recovery than an E75 or an E90.
Your ECHO cals should be completed in under a minute. And allow for 60+ seconds of rest.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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