Sunday 2-26-23 Workout Of The Day
5 Rounds NFT with 2 Kettlebells
1 Length OH Carry
10 Front Squats
1 Length Front Rack Carry
10 Cleans
1 Length Farmer Carry
10 DBL Bell Swings
1 Length = Garage door to back wall
10 Rounds NFT
10 Pull Ups
10 Dbl Bell Strict Press
Today’s workout is a bit of a double grinder… Choose weights you’ll be able to go directly from your carry into the following exercise THEN break after your reps are complete. Example: Perform your length of OH carry then go directly into your front squats. Once your squats are completed, put your weight down and rest before your front rack carry and cleans.
Part B should be challenging and pull ups should be done in 1-2 sets and strict press unbroken. Choose kettlebells for your press and make sure handles come down below your chin EVERY REP!