Sunday 5-12-24 Workout Of The Day

Sunday 5-12-24 Workout Of The Day

EMOM – 25

“Into The Conga”
Minute 1. 6-8 Pull Ups
Minute 2. DB Bench Press
Minute 3. 8-10 Alt. Gorilla Rows
Minute 4. Dbl. KB/DB C&J
Minute 5 Rest

Today’s a little conga line strength session. Line up with your group and start in different spots to keep the line moving. If you can pair up with people lifting the same weights as you, it’ll save on some weights and space. Choose weights and variations that are challenging for the rep ranges above.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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