Thursday 05-07-20
E90 – 12
Odd Rounds:
6 Squats (Front, Back, Goblet (w. tempo))
Even Rounds:
3-6 Strict Pull Ups / C2B Pull ups
For Time
30-20-10 @ 85/115#
“Dance Floor”
Hang Power Cleans
Alternating Lunges
Workout Notes: For todays workout YOU get to decide what method you’ll do for the squats. The goal is to find a challenging weight or method that will allow to recover and repeat in abou two minutes between sets. If you don’t have pull up bars available to you body rows or bent over rows will work.
Part B. will be a little grindy with a slightly heavier weight which will force more breaks. This can be done with a Barbell, kettlebell or dumbbells. Participants may need to break every ten reps for both movements.