Friday 05/12/2023 Workout Of the Day
A. 5 sets
5 bench press
5 strict pullups
B. 15 min. ladder
cal echo
KB snatch (per arm)
Workout Notes: Part A will be from the rack using barbells. Build to a challenging set of 5 before starting your working sets. Strict pullups will also require the rig, so be mindful of space and surroundings if people are bench pressing. If using bands, no bouncing or kipping; focus on strict pulling strength. Rest as needed between sets.
The 15 minute ladder starts at 3 reps, and increases by 3 reps each round until 15 minutes is up. KB snatches are reps per arm; the round of 3 is 3 snatches on the right and 3 on the left.