Thursday 05/18/2023 Workout Of the Day

Thursday 05/18/2023 Workout Of the Day

A. E2:00 x 7 sets
1 squat clean thruster +
1 thruster

B. 3×3 min AMRAP’s w/ 2 min rest
3 min AMRAP
15 thrusters @65/95#
15/18 cal row
max bar facing burpees
-rest 2:00-
3 min AMRAP
12 thrusters @85/115#
12/15 cal row
max bar facing burpees
-rest 2:00-
3 min AMRAP
9 thrusters @105/155#
9/12 cal row
max bar facing burpees

Workout Notes: Part A is from the floor; you will do two thrusters without dropping the bar, the first one requires you to clean the bar from the ground. You will perform a set every 2 minutes for a total of 7 sets. 

Part B will also require a barbell. In a 3 minute window, you will perform 15 thrusters at your lightest weight and then a 15/18 cal row. In the time remaining, you will do bar facing burpees. Your score each round is total burpees. During your 2 minute rest, you will also add weight. The next 3 minute AMRAP will be 12 thrusters at a heavier weight followed by 12/15 cals and then max bar facing burpees. The final 3 minute AMRAP is 9 thrusters at your heaviest weight. If you cannot do RX weights, still have three distinct weights you will use as the reps decrease. Record burpees for each AMRAP. 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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