Thursday 06/08/2023 Workout Of the Day
A. 5×4*
Front Squats
B. 1:30 on / 1:30 off x 5
10 thrusters @65/95#
8 lateral bar burpees
max cal ECHO in time remaining
Workout Notes: Building on last weeks front squats, we will be doing sets of 4 reps this week. Use the rack and try to go heavier than last weeks sets of 5 if you were here. Perform a set every 3:30, sit down and rest between sets.
Part B is 5 rounds of 1:30 work / 1:30 rest. With a 1:1 work to rest, intensity should be high. The 10 thrusters should be unbroken. Go directly into 8 lateral burpees over your bar, and then get on the echo bike and max out cals in time remaining. Score each round is your calories. Record calories each round with the goal of being consistent and gradually increasing your score each round- last round best round!