Thursday 07/06/2023 Workout Of the Day

Thursday 07/06/2023 Workout Of the Day

A.E75s x 4 rounds (20 minutes)
1: 6/leg Bulgarian split squats
2: 5/arm single KB thruster
3: 6/leg single leg DL
4: 10 DB hip thrusts @31×2

B. 1:00 on/ 1:00 off x 6
15 thrusters @35/45#
Max cal row

Workout Notes: Part A is similar to an EMOM except you will have 1:15 for each movement. Challenge yourself with weight for each exercise. Load the split squats and single leg DL’s with two KB’s or DB’s. For the hip thrusts, use a heavy DB and stick to the tempo, with a 2 second pause at the top of each rep. Complete 4 full rounds of part A.

Part B is 1:1 work to rest. 15 thrusters with the empty BB to start each minute of work, followed by a max cal row. Record your cals each round and aim for consistency. Keep your thrusters smooth and fast, and don’t strap your feet in on the rower for quick transitions

people working out in a group fitness class


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