Thursday 08/03/2023 Workout Of the Day
A. E3:00 x 6 sets
6-8/leg Bulgarian split squats
6-8/leg staggered stance DL’s w/ barbell
B. 4 RFT
Time Cap 17 mins
15 wallballs @20/30#
12 burpees
400m run
Workout Notes: For Part A, you will do both movements in a 3 minute window; whatever time remains is your rest. You should get at least 1 minute of rest each round. Use KB/s or DB’s for the split squats (OR, if space/class size allows you can use barbells). Use a barbell for the staggered stance deadlifts.
Part B is 4 rounds for time with a 17 minute time cap. Wallballs are heavier today- challenge yourself! Be consistent and keep moving on this one. Your last run should be a hard effort!