Thursday 1-12-23 Workout Of The Day

GYM NEWS: Don’t forget that this Saturday January 14th is our in house competition Starke Wars! This comp is for EVERYONE new or old… I mean new or experienced 🙂 Workouts can be modified by movement and weight just like in class. The competition is in teams of two (male, female or mixed). If you’re still looking for a partner, let us know and we’ll try and find someone to partner with.

To sign up CLICK HERE

Everyone is guaranteed four “fun” workouts. The day will run from 9am – 3pm with pizza and beverages to follow.

If you have any questions please let us now and we’ll help you out 😉

Thursday 1-12-23 Workout Of The Day

5 Rounds NFT
1 Turkish Get Up Right Side
1 Turkish Get Up Left Side
12 Alternating Gorilla Rows
8 Deficit Back Lunges Right Leg
8 Deficit Back Lunges Left Side
6 Dive Bomber Push ups
6-8 Chin Ups

Today’s workout is a slow strength workout NOT FOR TIME. Find a challenging starting weight and build as you move through your rounds if possible.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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