Thursday 10-05-23 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 10-05-23 Workout Of The Day

E4M – 3
5 Back Squats
5 Strict Pull Ups / Strict C2B / Weighted

AMRAP – 12
10 DB Step Ups
10 T2B
10 HRPU (hand release push ups)

Kettlebell weight:
RX: 25/35# +/-

Workout Notes: Find a challenging five to begin with for your sets of three in both your front squats, and pull up variation. If you are using a band for your pull ups, pause for two seconds with your chin above the bar And maintain a two second active hold at the bottom of your pullup. If you’ve got a good amount of strict pull ups in the bank, try strict Chest to bar pull ups, or add some weight to it.

Part B is a 12 minute AMRAP, which will consist of 10 alternating dumbbell, step ups, 10 toes to bar or variation and 10 hand release push-ups. Pick weights for the step ups that will keep you moving. Yes, they are a little bit lighter than normal and it’s not a typo. The goal for this workout is to move quickly through it rather than grinding.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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