Thursday 11-09-23 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 11-09-23 Workout Of The Day

A. E90 – 5
2 Power Cleans + 2 Deadlifts

30 Min Grinder 

3 Pwr Cleans 125/185# +/-
4 BB Bench press (challenging for 4)
5 Strict Pull Ups
6 BB Deadlift (same weight as PC)
8/10 Kcal ECHO (recovery ride)

Today’s grinder is a workout we just wanted to move through. You’ll have some time to find a challenging to power cleans, followed by a couple dead lifts to help warm up those movements for part B. Your power cleans can either be touch and go or three singles but you should be able to do three touch and go reps fresh with the weight you’ve chosen.Your deadlift weight will be the same as your power clean weight unless you’d like to use some heavier kettlebells for those deadlifts. Reps are low so movements should be challenging. Yet, fun 🙂

people working out in a group fitness class


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