Thursday 11-24-22 Workout Of The Day
A. (30 min)
3 Rounds Of…
3:00 Work 1:30 Rest
3 Ring Muscle Ups (or three dips & 3 pull ups)
6 Hang Power Cleans
9/13 Kcal ECHO
Rest 3 Min
3 Rounds Of…
3:00 Work 1:30 Rest
3 Thrusters
6 Bar Over Burpees
9 T2B
For Time
500m Ski Time Trial
RX: 95/135#
Intermediate: 65/95#
Beginner: 55/75#
Today’s workout is a little gas o break o workout. Hit the gas during your work period and the brakes during your rest. Pick weights and movements you can perform unbroken reps with and pick up where you left off aft her the break keeping count of your rounds if you can 🙂