Thursday 3-22-23 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 3-22-23 Workout Of The Day

A. Circuit – 25
10/14 Kcal ECHO
6-8 Strict KB Thrusters (squat + strict press)
10/14 Kcal Ski
12 Alternating gorilla Rows
10/14 Kcal Row
10 Box Jump or Step Overs

This week has been a challenging week so far. If you’ve been crushing it, cruise through this workout and pick weights that will allow you to move. If you’ve been taking some time off and want to push the pace, #giver The difference between an AMRAP and circuit is the intensity you hit the workout at. Circuits should be consistent work without failed reps and focusing on consistent movement.

Stretching / Mobility 10 Min
Coaches choice…

Sometimes we need a little more of this. Use some guided stretches from our coaches to open up a little and get those joints moving like warm butter…

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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