Thursday 3-31-22 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 3-31-22 Workout Of The Day

With a running clock…
30/40 Kcal Echo
3 Rounds of…
10 Thrusters
15 Pull ups

-Rest 3 Min-

40/50 Kcal Ski
3 Rounds of…
15 Hang Power Cleans
20 Box Jump Overs

-Rest 3 Min-

50/60 Kcal Row
3 Rounds of…
5 Ring Muscle Ups or Dips
10 HSPU or Variation
15 Back Squat Jumps

RX: 65/95#
Intermediate: 55/75#
Beginner 45/55#

Today’s workout will be a three rounds of two couplets and a triplet with some Kcal buy in’s before jumping into your three rounds. Choose weights and variations that will allow you to keep moving consistently. Enjoy your three minute break between rounds 🙂

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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