Thursday 5-12-22 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 5-12-22 Workout Of The Day

“Thunderstruck” (43 Min)
3 Rounds Of…
2:30 Work & 2:30 Rest
14/20 Kcal Row
Max Double Bell C&J

3 Rounds Of…
2:30 Work & 2:30 Rest
14/20 Kcal Ski
Max DB or KB Box Step Overs

3 Rounds Of…
2:30 Work & 2:30 Rest
14/20 Kcal ECHO
Max C2B Pull Úps

RX: 30/40#
Intermediate: 25/35#
Beginner: 20/30 +/-

Today’s workout is three couplets with a 1:1 work rest ratio. Your Kcal on the the cardio equipment should be done in less than 1:30 and leave you at least a minute to chip away at the max reps. Pick methods and weights where you can put some work in and not need too much rest. That’s what the 2:30 rest is for 🙂

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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