Thursday 5-30-19
For the Tabata sets your goal is consistency. Your LOWEST round should be considered your score for that exercise. There’s no glory in having a high number for your first round then not being able to even start the last two rounds #crashandburn
8 Sets, :20 Work / :10 Off
Tabata 1 – Bike
Tabata 2 – Alternating Back Lunges w. one plate 25 or 35/45#
Tabata 3 – T2B / HLR
Tabata 4 – Push-ups (find a consistent method for all eight rounds)
Tabata 5 – Pull-ups / Ring Rows
*Rest 1 min between Tabata Sets
*Athletes will perform ALL eight rounds on the bike before going into the alternating back Lunges. Follow this structure for ALL rounds and exercises.
Suns Out Guns Out Tabata Finisher
T1 – Banded Tricep Press-Down
T2 – Double DB Curl (light)
*8 Sets Each, Alternating Movements.