Thursday 7-11-24 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 7-11-24 Workout Of The Day

E3M – 5 (15 min) 
1 Power Clean + 1 Front squat + 1 Hang squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk (split or power)

5 RFT (cap 15)
Swing Batter, Batter”
25 Double Unders or 50 single skips
15 OH KBS 35/50# 
5 Box Over Burpees

Part A. is a little barbell complex. You’ll be hitting five movements in the complex so limit your weight if you need to slow down a little and work on technique. Form is always more important than the weight on the bar. If you’re limited from going overhead, perform one more squat at the end of the complex 🙂

Part B is five rounds for time. Aim to maintain a sub 3 minute round to beat the time cap. 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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