Thursday 7-28-22 Workout Of The Day
EMOM – 30 (5 rounds)
MInute 1.
10 Hang Power Cleans
Minute 2.
10-12 Alternating Back Lunges
Minute 3.
8-10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Minute 4.
10 S20H
Minute 5.
14/20Kcal Row
Minute 6.
RX: 85/115#
Intermediate: 65/95#
Beginner 55/75# +/-
Today we have a little EMOM action. Choose weights you can perform unbroken reps with and modify numbers you can maintain 20 seconds-ish of rest with EXCEPT FOR THE ROW finish the Kcal’s for the row even if it runs into your rest period #incentive