Thursday 8-22-24 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 8-22-24 Workout Of The Day

In a four minute window…
“Hells Bells” meets “Pulling Power”
Max reps strict press @ weight 1
Max reps strict press @ weight 2
Max Strict Press @ weight 3
Rest 30 seconds
Max strict pull ups version 1
Max strict pull ups version 2
*Use the rest of the four minutes to rest.

“Cookville” (cap 18) 
20 OH KBS 35/50#~
15 T2B / HLR / Anchored Sit Ups
10 Box Jump Overs
5 Bell Over Burpees  

Part A. Is a little strength work. Choose three sets of bells and hit this in groups to limit weights being pulled out. Choose a heavyish weight you could hit 5-7 strict press with then a lighter weight then your lightest. I might go 40’s, 30’s 20’s. The goal is to do max reps with those weights and as soon as you can no longer press the weight, put them down and immediately pick up the next weights. Once you can no longer press the middle weights, grab your “lightest” weights (trust me, they won’t feel “light”

Give yourself 30-ish seconds +/- rest before jumping on pull ups. Have two variations for pull-ups available to you for this. Strict followed by banded is a good option or banded followed by barbell in rack is another good option. Try to keep your variations to vertical pulling exercises.

Part B. is five rounds for time. Aim for three +/- minute rounds to complete the workout under the time cap and modify weight or movements as needed to achieve this.

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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