Gym News: Well, we’re sure you’ve Heard by now but with the extreme risk of contracting covet 19 we’ve decided to shut down the gym and post some in-home workouts for all of our amazing members to make use of during this away time. Please make use of these workouts and show us some love by tagging us by throwing up #starkestrength with some video evidence or sweat marks form the workouts.
Have fun with this one 🙂
Starke HomeFit 03-17-20
5 RFT “Body Rockin”
10 Gecko Push Ups
10 Squat Jumps
10 On The Spot Inchworm w. shoulder tap
10 No Touch Back Lunges (10/leg)
10 Rounds Alternating
10 Leg Raise
15 Oblique Crunches (R&L)