Tuesday 05/02/2023 Workout Of the Day

Tuesday 05/02/2023 Workout Of the Day

Running clock…
30 cals ski
30 DB snatch @35/50#
30 box jump overs @20/24″
rest 2:00
3-5 rounds:
15 wallballs @14/20#
15 OH KBS @35/50#
15 burpees
rest 2:00
30 box jumps overs
30 DB snatch
30 cal ski

Workout Notes: Today’s workout is a long one! It will be done with a running clock. RX athletes can choose to do 5 rounds of the middle portion, Intermediate and Beginner can choose 3 or 4 rounds. Chip away at the reps and pace yourself for this one. Post your final finish time on the whiteboard, calories are the same across the board for the ladies and gents today! 

people working out in a group fitness class


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