Tuesday 05-19-20 Starke HomeFit

Tuesday 05-19-20

GYM NEWS: Happy Tuesday everyone!  Hopefully everyone had a great long weekend and enjoyed some down time. It’s been two months since we’ve now closed down and I hope the light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer.

We still don’t have any idea when we’ll be opening up BUT Saturday May 23rd we will be starting with some outdoor classes at Starke. We will be using the concrete just outside the garage door and alongside the building along with the grass in front. Saturday monring we’ll run two classes andsee what the response is. Following that we will plan for some classes throughout the day. Our maximum number of participants in classes will be ten so we’re still working on how many classes we can run throughout the day as we don’t yet know how many people will be attending and what the best times are. Stay tuned to social media throughout the week and we’ll have some emails come out prior to the weekend as well to give everyone a heads up.

We’re looking forward to a slow reopening process and seeing all of you back ready to work.

Please send us an email at info@starkestrength and let us know if youd be interested in the outdoor WOD’s and what time of day so we can start planning the schedule.

Thank you everyone.


E90 – 12

Odd Minutes:
6 Strict Press

Even Minutes:
8 Back Lunges / Leg (not alternating)


AMRAP – 8 & 65/95#
“Show & Shine”
6 Hang Power Snatches
7 Front Squats
8 Power Cleans

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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