Tuesday 06-09-2020 Workout Of the Day
A. 4 sets for max reps
3:00 max cal row or bike
2:00 box jumps
1:00 BB thrusters @35/45#
3:00 rest
B. Accumulate 5:00 plank*
*10 hollow rocks every time you break
Workout Intentions/Notes: Pace yourself on the machines. 3 minutes is a long time. Steady on the box jumps as well; aim to get into a nice rhythm and sustain that for the 2 minutes. The goal for thrusters is to hold onto the bar for the full minute. The weight is intentinally light to allow you to do so. The goal for all 4 sets is to be consistent with scores. Your score is your cumulative reps for each set (cals + box jumps + thrusters). You will have 4 different scores for this workout; one for each set.