Tuesday 07/04/2023 Workout Of the Day
A. E2:30 x 6 sets
5 push press @31×1
7 ring rows @31×1
B. AMRAP x 15 mins
1000m row (buy-in)
12 KBS @50/70#
9 t2b
6 push-ups
Workout Notes: Part A will be done from the rack with a barbell for the push press. Stick to the tempo. Ring rows can be made more challenging by elevating feet on a box to be more horizontal. Stick to the strict tempo for these as well.
Part B is a 15 min AMRAP. It begins with a 1000m row buy-in, then an AMRAP in the remaining time. KB swings are heavy to shoulder height. Try to go unbroken on your sets of all movements if possible. Score is rounds + reps of the KBS, t2b and push-ups.