Tuesday 09/05/2023 Workout Of the Day
A. E3:00 x 5
5 front squats
B. 3 x 3 min. AMRAP’s w/ 2 min. rest*
9 box jumps
6 hang power cleans
3 thrusters
*pickup where you leave off
RX: 65/95#
Int: 55/75#
Beg: 35/45#
Workout Notes: This is our third week of 5×5 front squats. If you were here last week, try to go heavier. One set of 5 front squats every 3 minutes for 5 rounds. Rest between sets and go heavy.
Part B is 3 x 3 minute AMRAP’s. Pickup where you leave off each AMRAP. Record your total rounds and reps for the entire 3 AMRAPs. Weight is light so that you don’t have to break up the barbell work. Quick transitions and unbroken reps are key.