Tuesday 1-24-23 Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 1-24-23 Workout Of The Day

EMOM – 30 (5 rounds)
1. 10 Thrusters 65/95# 55/75# 35/45# +/-
2. 10 C2B Pull Ups
3. 6-8 Box Over Burpees
4. 15 KBS 35/50# 30/40# 25/35#
5. 14/20 Kcal Row
6. Rest

Today’s EMOM will get that hear pumping. Perform all the movements in 40 seconds or less and rest for the remaining time. The row for Kcal may take a little longer but the following round is rest so finish all the calories each round then take your rest 🙂

people working out in a group fitness class


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