Tuesday 10-27-2020 Workout Of the Day

A. E5:00 x 5 sets
6 /side single DB push press
6.side staggered stance KB DL
6 strict pullups
6/side weighted lunges

B. 3 RFT
time cap: 15 mins
500m row or ski
25 KBS @35/50#
25 wallballs @14/20#

Workout Notes/Intentions: For Part A, you will perform one full round every 5 minutes. If space is an issue, athletes can start at different exercises as long as they follow the order and get all 4 exercises complete in the 5 minute window. The staggered stance deadlifts are a new movement, so coaches will demo those. Lunges will not be alternating, and can be loaded with KB’s or DB’s. 

In Part B, the goal is to go straight through on those KBS. They will be Russian swings, so just to shoulder height. Wallballs should be done in 1-2 sets. Slow down your row in those last 100m so you can get off the rower and pick up the bell right away. Last row should be your hardest. Push to go unbroken on KBS and wallalls in that final round!