Tuesday 11-01-22
E4M – 5
5 Bulgarian Split Squats / Side
6-8 Ring Dips
Time to build some single leg strength. Find a challenging weight for your split squats with a barbell or one kettlebell/hand with your arms at your sides. Back foot should be on a box or bench and you should be able to drive through the heel on your front foot out of the bottom of your squat. Try to get about ninety degrees of flexion (bend) behind your knee in the bottom position. General rule of thumb, you almost can’t go too far out in front with your front foot!
For your dips find a challenging method on the rings or on a box or bench and add weight if possible.
“Candy Hangover”
20 Alternating DB Snatches
14/20 Kcal Ski
RX: 35/50#
Intermediate: 30/40#
Beginner: 25/35# +/-
Two movements and lots of up and down… Maintain good back positioning on those snatches and alternate snatches for every rep on the fly or on the ground. Pace yourself on the ski to keep moving!