Tuesday 11-08-22 Workout Of The Day

Tuesday 11-08-22 Workout Of The Day

In teams of two…
AMRAP – 30
“Suffering Succotash”
30 Kcal ECHO
20 BB Clean & Jerk
30 Kcal Ski
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs
30 Kcal Row
20 BB Front Squats
30 Kcal C2
20 T2B

RX: 95/135#
Intermediate: 85/115#
Beginner 65/95#

Partner up and share the load. the reps are lower on this one so push the pace, keep moving and keep your transitions quick! Choose a weight you can perform 5 TNG clean & jerks in a row (fresh) and 10 unbroken front squats. this workout is a little more cardio biased with all the Kcal in it and “some” moving of weights. Enjoy 🙂

people working out in a group fitness class


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